Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Increase Furnace Life To Its Max By Maintenance And Service

Servicing Furnace

Furnaces are usually trouble-free and easy to maintain but as we know Everything has its expiry, furnace to have an expiry date but you can increase its lifespan by keeping some points in your mind. While this isn’t something that industries have to face on regular basis but efficient operation and regular maintenance can provide good functioning of furnaces and can provide them max life.

Let’s have a look to malfunctions which generally occur in furnaces so that you can take protective steps to prevent them :

  • Lack of Maintenance
  • Clogged Filters
  • Thermostat, Heat/Cold source or distribution system Malfunction
  • The furnace may have lost power.
  • Mechanical Problems
  • Bad Air Circulation
  • Gas Leakage
  • Weird Noise
  • Oil Burner Issue
  • The furnace is too noisy
  • Fuel may not be reaching the unit. If the fuel is gas or oil, it may not be igniting.
  • A faulty control or thermostat could keep the system from turning on or off repeatedly

Here are some remedies and precautions through which lifespan of the furnace can be increased:


  • Make sure the furnace is receiving power. Check Blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers at the main entrance panel. Every furnace have a different system some have separate power entrance located at a different panel near the main entrance panel, Some furnaces have fuses mounted in or on the unit.
  • Several parts and pieces in a furnace are replaceable which can increase its life by several years.
  • Clean or replace the filter one a month or according to the manufacturer’s directions. Dirty air filters lead to a slew of furnace problems. You can have an idea by taking help of furnace repair professional.
  • If the furnace has a reset button, marked RESET press the reset button.
  • If your furnace doesn’t produce any heat, check the battery level in the thermostat. Sometimes simply replacing the battery may do the trick.
  • Check the circuit breaker and power supply. The circuit breaker may be tripped or blew a fuse. Some furnaces have a separate power switch, make sure the switch is turned on.
  • If the furnace uses oil, check to make sure there is an adequate supply of oil.
  • Check if the heat exchanger is cracked or corroded. A damaged heat exchanger can decrease the life of a furnace significantly. If your heat exchanger is damaged, contact a professional to see if it's repairable.

      •   Hire a furnace repair specialist to inspect and maintain the furnace every year.